We are so pleased to launch the Clean Kids Project at EBC Fatuquero School in Gleno of Timor-Leste on 4th February 2016.

The project aims to develop handwashing practice and knowledge on hygiene in school. In the pilot run, THF provided the school, all the students and their families with Ai-Funan soaps, published a monthly newsletter and organized hand washing activities for the school.

The newsletter titled Maun tolu Manutolum Lao Rai (The Adventures of Three Brothers) is a monthly comic about three brothers who went through an extraordinary journey to cure their very sick parents. Developed by talented Hong Kong illustrator Kiki Wong, the newsletter conveys hygienic information in a funny and creative way.
Thanks to our donors including Jetour, apart from having water and soaps for handwashing in school, students were given soaps every weekend to bring home for family use. The soaps are made by all natural ingredients from our Ai-Funan Team.

A Handwashing Songs Competition was the first activity of the Clean Kid Project. In order to wash hands properly and thoroughly, students were taught to scrub their hands at least 20 seconds. The song was used as a timer. Senior classes were asked to develop a 20-second handwashing song which they can sing when they wash their hands.
Thanks to the Hong Kong Renaissance School, three awards were set up for the competition: 1st Prize – $100USD, 2nd Prize – $50USD and 3rdPrize – $20USD.